Choosing Correctional Options That Work
Defining the Demand and Evaluating the Supply
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February 1996 | 294 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This landmark volume responds to the persistent demands from criminal justice professionals, policy advisers and the general public for `correctional options that work'.
The contributors: define the options; seek to identify the varied concepts and hidden agendas underneath the simple phrase `what works?'; select three key areas in which to review relevant theory and empirical evidence - risk/needs assessment techniques; intervention/sanctioning options; programme implementation approaches; promote a dialogue amongst the key players which will prepare them for proactive decision-making on when and for whom alternatives to prison, particularly in the community, are appropriate rather than force them into panic decisions made in response to the crises which chronically effect the criminal justice and prison systems.
Francis X Hartmann
Alan T Harland
Alan T Harland
Correctional Options that Work? Structuring the Inquiry
James Bonta
Risk-Needs Assessment and Treatment
Peter R Jones
Risk Prediction in Criminal Justice
Francis T Cullen, John Paul Wright, and Brandon K Applegate
Control in the Community
Paul Gendreau
The Principles of Effective Intervention with Offenders
Ted Palmer
Programmatic and Nonprogrammatic Aspects of Successful Intervention
Philip Harris and Stephen Smith
Developing Community Corrections
Joan Petersilia
Improving Corrections Policy