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76 Results Found for "DA0"


Feed review for Book232270

"This practical guidebook thoroughly covers the process of evaluation and gives me a time-saving process for formal and qualitative evaluations. As an evaluator—it is a must!"

Making waves: SAGE and Big Data, a newsletter

SAGE Publishing has been making waves in the world of big data and social research. From releasing a new research methods video product, to publishing a whitepaper exploring trends in big data research, to sponsoring DataKindUK’s DataDive, it’s been a busy few months. Find out more about what we have been up to in our latest Big Data and Social Research newsletter.

Read the third edition

Taking to the stage as part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science: SAGE and big data, a newsletter

This month SAGE Publishing took to the stage as part of the ESRC’S Festival of Social Science, looking at the impact of big data on social research. You can watch a full video of the panel debate in our latest Big Data and Social Research newsletter below.

Already planning your activities for 2017? Well look now further- we have also done a quick roundup of some of next year’s computational social science summer schools and workshops, find out more in the latest edition.
