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"This book engages teachers in embracing the diversity of multilingual learners and focusing relentlessly on equity. Where the pandemic has demonstrated many of the cultural and linguistic barriers that have plagued our nation for generations, this contribution (including its richly detailed sketch notes, student portraits, and sequence of equity moves), shows us how to remove these barriers in a practical and even inspirational way."
"This team of authors has brilliantly captured the urgency of the moment as we transition out of the COVID-19 pandemic and collectively seek to advance equity and opportunity for multilingual leaners in our schools. From preservice teachers to veteran educators and leaders, along with an array of stakeholders committed to advancing equity for MLs, each reader will find inspiration, practical tools, and a variety of resources to challenge old ways of thinking and doing while providing actionable insight into the possibilities ahead.
“From Equity Insights to Action is so much more than a resource textbook that should be in the hands of every educator, filled with dog-eared corners and post-it notes for easy reference. It is a call to action, a reminder of the impact we can make in the lives of others and a collection of heartfelt anecdotes that remind all educational professionals of why we begin this journey. This read provides practical advice, reflection guides and the ability to transform our practice to provide immediate tools for implementation of strategies. Thank you for your voice and your passion."
"We can and must do better and this is the perfect time to do so. The authors provide the pathway forward to an equity based education for all students in a post pandemic world. The chapters are well scaffolded, engaging and reflective inviting educators to celebrate and embrace culturally responsive, student inspired classrooms."
"From Equity Insights to Action: Critical Strategies for Teaching Multilingual Learners is a timely reframing from deficient mindset to an asset based viewpoint. Students come with a wealth of experiences, skills, and knowledge; it is our job as educators to connect with out students and see how we can build on their talents."
"As someone who has been immersed in the depths of assessment equity for multilingual learners my entire professional career, on a personal level, I am elated to see equity become a mantra being heralded across educational contexts. The mission now becomes for every educator to fulfill its call. Honigsfeld, Dove, Cohan, and Goldman take on this challenge by concretizing the abstractness of equity through student portraits and actionable steps.
"From Equity Insights to Action is a timely and valuable resource that reflects on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic while simultaneously imagining a better, more equitable educational landscape for multilingual learners. Each chapter offers a unique metaphor that helps the reader to conceptualize how to leverage insights gained from pandemic teaching and recalibrate what is not serving our marginalized populations.
"This book is a timely and necessary addition to every educator's bookshelf. I love how the chapters are organized with justifications, student portraits, multiple pathways for approaching equity critically, and resources/ tools. I appreciated all of the checklists and questions to ask myself. I am certain I will wear the ink off of the pages quickly!"
"The call to address inequities in schools has never been louder nor more urgent, particularly for multilingual learners (MLs), whose voices have been muted for too long. To respond to this call requires a methodical, deliberate approach to classroom practice that is intimately shaped by the diverse assets our students bring to the table. The authors offer a clear path forward for educators who are ready to leave unjust practices of the past behind and move toward an equitable future for MLs."
"As I read this text, I was captivated by the call to action. All learners need these practical suggestions so that educators can meet them where they are and make curriculum culturally relevant to ALL students. Curriculum and education environments should mirror, as well as highlight, diversity, and oftentimes multilingual learners and students of color do not see themselves represented. From Equity Insights to Action: Critical Strategies for Teaching Multilingual Learners shines a light on this urgent need to focus on equity and embrace diversity."
As an advocate for multilingual children, I found From Equity Insights to Action to be both profound and practical. This is a book that is relevant to the times we live in and is much needed. These authors push us to think critically about the issues at hand. Not to mention the layout is lovely, and the graphics are captivating as well.
"From Equity Insights to Action is an extremely useful and timely book about lessons learned from the pandemic and moving forward with a new vision of providing equitable practices for MLs. The authors deliver their promise as reflected in the title and in the introductory chapter by laying out pathways for approaching equity through actionable research-based practices and strategies that teachers can use to amplify, accelerate, and empower MLs.
"From Equity Insights to Action is focused on impacting systematic change by addressing issues that our Multilingual Learners have faced and are currently facing now more than ever. This book not only presents research-based supports through an equity-lens, but readers will dive deep into critical reflection that will challenge all notions. This book provides practical and valuable approaches that guide open and honest conversations with educators.
"From Equity Insights to Action is an urgent call for educators to understand who multilingual learners are, what equity in the classroom looks like, how to perform equity work in schools, and, most importantly, why it all matters in this critical pandemic era. Andrea Honigsfeld, Maria Dove, Audrey Cohan, and Carrie McDermott Goldman convince readers of the importance of appreciating and building on the strengths and abilities that multilingual learners bring to the classroom.
The beauty of the judicious book From Equity Insights to Action, Critical Strategies for Teaching Multilingual Learners is that it functions both as a robust resource and urgent clarion call to action. The book aims for research informed and evidence-based teaching while envisioning and embracing educational equity for multilingual learners (MLs). From Equity Insights to Action paints in vivid colors the fight for a world of equity in classrooms, schools, and communities across America.