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Building E-Portfolios Using PowerPoint

Building E-Portfolios Using PowerPoint
A Guide for Educators

Second Edition

April 2008 | 240 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Building E-Portfolios Using PowerPoint: A Guide for Educators, Second Edition addresses the use of e-portfolios by pre- and in-service educators as a self-assessment tool and as a way to measure their studentsÆ performance. The first half of the book explains what portfolios are, what makes an electronic portfolio (or e-portfolio) superior to physical portfolios, and how they should be organized. The second half of the book addresses which computer programs can be used to build an e-portfolio, then presents detailed instructions on using Microsoft PowerPoint® to create effective, visually rich portfolios. The book is filled with pedagogy, each chapter beginning with a ôconversation scenarioö to add relevance and meaning for the reader. There are also numerous charts, summaries, a glossary, and appendices. A Student Resource CD with PowerPoint templates, sample e-portfolios, and additional student resources is available.
Part I: Assessment and the Use of Electronic Portfolios
Chapter 1: The Foundations for Portfolio Development

Terms Used in Portfolio Development

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Portfolio Assessment

The Performance-Based Movement

Reflection: An Integral Part of Portfolio Development

The Power of Portfolios


Chapter 2: Kinds of Portfolios and Their Uses

Types of Portfolios

Planning for a Portfolio

Examples From Purposeful Portfolios


Chapter 3: Using Standards in Portfolio Construction

Standards for Teachers

Resources for Standards


Chapter 4: Self-Assessment Through Reflection

Rubrics Can Help

Reflection and Self-Assessment

Self-Assessment for Teachers

Self-Assessment Opportunities for Students


Chapter 5: Presenting the Portfolio

Presentation Skills

Additional Resources for Design Decisions

Presenting the Portfolio to Others

Presentation of Teacher Portfolios

Presentations of Student Portfolios

Professional Development Presentations


Part II: Using PowerPoint to Author E-Portfolios
Chapter 6: Options for Electronic Portfolios


Web-Based E-Portfolio Tools

Non-Web-Based (Local) E-Portfolio Tools

Selecting a Portfolio Tool

PowerPoint as an E-Portfolio Development Tool


Chapter 7: PowerPoint Basics

Start at the Beginning

Starting PowerPoint

Selecting a Slide Background

Selection of Font Type and Size

Selecting Slide Views to Accomplish Work

A Word About Copyright Law

Is There Fair Use?

Adding Clip Art to the Presentation

Adding Internet Images to the Presentation

Adding Sound to the Presentation

Adding Movies to a Presentation

Adding Internet or Document Links to the Presentation

Using Action Buttons

Showing the Presentation


Chapter 8: Building Nonlinear PowerPoint Portfolios

Making PowerPoint Less Linear by Hyperlinking

Building a Structure for an Electronic Portfolio

Editing Images Using Basic Photoshop Elements Capabilities

Editing Sound

Editing Video


Chapter 9: Tools You Can Use

Collecting Documents for the Portfolio

Of Dots and Pixels: Image Sizes

Scanning Materials for Use as Artifacts

Using Digital Cameras to Capture Images

A Few Photography Hints

Capturing and Using Digital Video

Saving a Portfolio to Media

Burning a CD

Saving Information to a DVD


Chapter 10: Special Considerations and Options

Planning an E-Portfolio

What Happened? A Guide to Common Technical Errors

Downloading Required Programs--For Free

Downloading QuickTime--For Free

The Top Ten List

Moving a PowerPoint Presentation to the Web

The Future: What Promises to Make Electronic Portfolios More Effective?


Appendix: Troubleshooting Your PowerPoint-Based E-Portfolio

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ISBN: 9781412956758