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Conflict Coaching

Conflict Coaching
Conflict Management Strategies and Skills for the Individual

February 2008 | 344 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Recent research shows that between 25-85% of conlfict disputants referred to mediation choose not to participate (i.e., they resist wanting to meet face-to-face). In the field of conflict resolution, conflict coaching is the only process that has emerged which allows resolution methods to work on a one-on-one basis. Conflict Coaching: Conflict Resolution Strategies and Skills for the Individual defines this growing area of conflict resolution and distinguishes conflict coaching as a stand-alone resolution technique. In a service society where human relationships are central to our professional as well as personal lives, individuals value one-on-one attention to get custom solutions for handling important interpersonal communication.

Rooted in research and theory, the text is organized into three sections, Introducing Conflict Coaching, Conducting Conflict Coaching, and Integrating Conflict Coaching, and offers a practical model for coaching. It is a useful volume for students and practicioners in a range of academic disciplines including communication, business, education, law, psychology, sociology, and social work.

I. Introducing Conflict Coaching
1. Conflict Coaching: Conflict Management Strategies and Skills for the Individual
A General Definition of Conflict Coaching

Sources of Development: An Overview of “Conflict” and “Coaching” in

Likely Drivers of Continued Development for Conflict Coaching

Conflict Coaching Principles

Major Reasons for the Conflict Resolution Field to Develop Conflict Coaching

2. The Comprehensive Conflict Coaching Model
An Overview of Coaching Models

The Comprehensive Conflict Coaching (CCC) Model

II. Conducting Conflict Coaching
3. Stage One – Discovering the Story
Narrative Theory

Narrative Theory Applied to Conflict Management

Discovering the Story

General Principles for Discovering the Story

Specific Approaches for Discovering the Story

4. Stage Two – The Identity Perspective
Identity in Relation to Emotion and Power

Overview of Research and Theory on Identity

A Model of Identity in Interpersonal Conflict in the Workplace

‘Facework’ as the Primary Means of Managing Identity

General Principles for Identity Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

Specific Approaches for Identity Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

5. The Emotion Perspective
Introduction to Emotion

Theories of Emotion

Emotional Competence

General Principles for Emotion Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

Specific Approaches for Emotion Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

6. Stage Two – The Power Perspective
Power in Relation to Identity and Emotion

Overview of Research and Theory on Power

Sources of Client Power in Conflict

Power Patterns in Conflict Interaction

Power Strategies and Tactics

Power and Culture

Working with Clients Who Feel and/or Act Disempowered

General Principles for Power Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

Specific Approaches for Power Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

7. Stage Three – Crafting the “Best” Story
Relevant Change Theories

The Link to Narrative Theory

General Principles for Crafting the “Best” Story

Specific Approaches for Crafting the “Best” Story

8. Stage Four – Communication Skills: Confrontation, Confirmation and Comprehension
Culture and Communication Skills

Key Conflict Communication Skills

General Principles for Communication Skills Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

General Approaches for Communication Skills Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

Specific Approaches for Confrontation, Confirmation and Comprehension Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

9. Stage Four – The Conflict Styles Opportunity
A Conflict Styles Framework

Focusing on the Me, You and We of Conflict Styles

Conflict Styles and Culture

General Principles for Conflict Styles Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

Specific Approaches to Conflict Styles Work with Conflict Coaching Clients

10. Stage Four – The Negotiation Opportunity
Basics of Negotiation

Two Major Approaches to Negotiation

11. Stage Four – Coordinating Coaching with Other Conflict Processes
Organizational Dispute Systems

The Role of Conflict Coaching in Leveraging Dispute Systems

General Principles for Coordinating Conflict Coaching with Other Conflict Processes

Specific Approaches for Coordinating Conflict Coaching with Other Conflict Processes

12. Learning Assessment in Conflict Coaching: The Parallel Process
Learning Assessment: Did the Conflict Coaching Work?

General Principles for Learning Assessment

Specific Approaches to Learning Assessment

III. Integrating Conflict Coaching Into Your Practice
13. Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation for Conflict Coaching
Needs Assessment: Will Conflict Coaching Meet “My” Needs?

Program Evaluation: Is Conflict Coaching Working for “You?”

Using Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation to Market a Conflict Coaching Practice

14. The Future of Conflict Coaching
A Research Agenda

Training and Delivery Mechanisms

Policy/Implementation Agenda


I highly recommend this book, because conflict manegement is becoming one of the most important part of our business social life. In our rapidly changing world we are full of stress, that influence our interpersonal communications. Having and applying well developed conflict resolution strategies and tactics is essential nowadays. Conflict coaching is a milestone in the way of personal development, because it offers a stand-alone resolution technique. One of the biggest advantage of this book is the enclosured CD. By the help of the digital support, it is easier to understand the links between coaching and other academic disciplines.

Dr István Kunos
Institute of Management Science, University of Misuol
November 1, 2010

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412950831