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Theories of Organization

Theories of Organization

November 2008 | 336 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Many students have learned about the theories of organization, not by reading the original works, but by reading discussions of theories in textbooks. This sets the theories in context and provides some useful and important information, but those who take this approach to learning fail to see the more complete underlying theoretical structures, which are set forth clearly in Henry Tosi's Theories of Organization.
Part I - Overture
Chapter 1 –About Theories of Organization
Chapter 2 – Assumptions About the Nature of Social Science and Society - Gibson Burrell and Gareth Morgan
Part II - Closed System Rational Models
Chapter 3 – The Classical Approach: The Fundamentals of Top Management - Ralph C. Davis
Part III - Closed System Natural Models
Chapter 4 - The Functions of the Executive - Chester Barnard
Part IV - Integrative Approaches to Organization
Chapter 5 – Organizations Power and Compliance: Amatai Etzioni’s A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations - Robert J. House
Chapter 6 - James D. Thompson’s Organizations in Action - Donna Goehle
Part V - Open System Rational Models
Bounded Rationality

Chapter 7 – James March and Herbert Simon, Organizations - Henry Tosi
Contingency Theories

Chapter 8 -Burns and Stalker, The Management of Innovation
Chapter 9 - Woodward's Industrial Organization - Donna Goehle
Chapter 10 - Organization Analysis: A Sociological Point of View - Charles Perrow
Chapter 11. Henry Mintzberg, The Structuring of Organizations - Janice H. Zahrly
Economic Approaches

Chapter 12-Agency Theory: an Assessment and Overview - Kathleen Eisenhardt
Chapter 13 - Theory of Managerial Capitalism - Henry Tosi
Chapter 14 The Markets and Hierarchies Program of Research: Origins, Implications, Prospects - Oliver Williamson and William Ouchi
Part VI - Open System Natural Models
Chapter 15 - Selznick’s TVA and the Grass Roots - Henry Tosi
Chapter 16 The Population Ecology of Organizations by - Michael Hannan and John Freeman
Chapter 17 - The Adolescence of Institutional Theory - W. Richard Scott
Part VII - Critical Theory and Post Modernism
Chapter 18 Critical Organizational Theory - John M. Jermier
Chapter 19 -Past Postmodernism? Reflections and Tentative Directions - Marta Calas and Linda Smircich

good additional reading but not suitable as core textbook - insufficiently structured

Dr Daniel Valentine
School of Business, Albion College
August 27, 2010

This book should go after the basic text-books on Organization Theories.

Dr Tanya Bondarouk
Please select your department, Twente University
June 16, 2010

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ISBN: 9781412924993