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Working Together in Schools

Working Together in Schools
A Guide for Educators

Other Titles in:
Team Building

February 1997 | 184 pages | Corwin
The long-term success of school improvement depends to a significant degree on the ability of those involved to participate in teamwork. This book explores various forms of collaboration in schools, including pairings, groups and committees, and suggests a framework for understanding how to build stronger working relationships.
Why Work Together?

The Heart of Working Together

Giving and Recieving Help
The Consultative Pair

Pairing Up
The Team of Two

We Could Do It Together! The Self-Intiating Group
Appoint a Committee to Handle It! The Task Committee
Send It to the Curriculum Committee! The Standing Committee
Let's Team Up! The Teaching Team
Revitalizing Faculty Meetings
The Whole Staff

Making It Happen


For instructors

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ISBN: 9780803963788
ISBN: 9780803963771