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Childhood Cognitive Development

Childhood Cognitive Development

Five Volume Set
Edited by:

January 2014 | 1 700 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The field of cognitive development is an exciting one that has undergone a revolution in the past generation, with a wealth of new findings, methods and theoretical ideas that transform our understanding of children’s thinking. 

This new SAGE Major Work presents a collection of important papers - both classic and contemporary - that cover key contributions in the area of cognitive development in children, designed to be a touchstone text for scholars, practitioners and educators with an interest in children’s thinking. Although the primary focus is on basic scientific research, each volume also discusses important applied issues, such as role of critical periods in perceptual development, or the implications of cognitive development for learning in academic contexts.

Volume One:  Basic Processes
Volume Two:  Concepts, Categories and Language
Volume Three:  Core Theories
Volume Four: Reasoning, Problem-Solving and Academic Skills
Volume Five:  Context and Culture
Piaget's Theory

Jean Piaget
Perceptual Learning in Development: Some Basic Concepts

Eleanor Gibson
Initial Knowledge: Six Suggestions

Elizabeth Spelke
Epigenetics and the Biological Definition of Gene X Environment Interactions

Michael Meaney
Imitation of Facial and Manual Gestures by Human Neonates

Andrew Meltzoff and M. Keith Moore
Visual Perception in the Newborn Infant: Issues and Debates

Alan Slater
Superior Detection of Threat-Relevant Stimuli in Infancy

Vanessa LoBue and Judy DeLoache
Action Experience Alters 3-Month-Old Infants' Perception of Others' Actions

Jessica Sommerville, Amanda Woodward and Amy Needham
The Other-Race Effect Develops during Infancy: Evidence of Perceptual Narrowing

David Kelly et al.
Constructing a Past in Infancy: A Neuro-Developmental Account

Patricia Bauer
Believing is Seeing: How Rumors Can Engender False Memories in Preschoolers

Gabrielle Principe et al.
Mother-Child Conversations about the Past: Relationships of Style and Memory over Time

Elaine Reese, Catherine Haden and Robyn Fivush
Developmental Change in Speed of Processing during Childhood and Adolescence

Robert Kail
An Age-Related Dissociation Between Knowing Rules and Using Them

Philip David Zelazo, Douglas Frye and Tanja Rapus
Preschool Program Improves Cognitive Control

Adele Diamond
Developing Human Brain Functions

Mark Johnson
Beyond What Develops When: Neuroimaging May Inform How Cognition Changes with Development

Dima Amso and B.Casey
The Adolescent Brain

B. Casey, Sarah Getz and Adriana Galvan
Possible Stages in the Evolution of the Language Capacity

Ray Jackendoff
Children Creating Core Properties of Language: Evidence from an Emerging Sign Language in Nicaragua

Ann Senghas et al.
Cross-Language Speech Perception: Evidence for Perceptual Reorganization during the First Year of Life

Janet Werker and Richard Tees
Statistical Learning in 8-Month-Old Infants

Jenny Saffran, Richard Aslin and Elissa Newport
Word Learning as Bayesian Inference

Fei Xu and Joshua Tenenbaum
Do Words Facilitate Object Categorization in 9-Month-Old Infants?

Marie Balaban and Sandra Waxman
Can Language Restructure Cognition? The Case for Space

Asifa Majid et al.
Numerical Cognition without Words: Evidence from Amazonia

Peter Gordon
The Importance of Shape in Early Lexical Learning

Barbara Landau, Linda Smith and Susan Jones
Infants' Ability To Draw Inferences about Nonobvious Object Properties: Evidence from Exploratory Play

Dare Baldwin, Ellen Markman and Riikka Melartin
Detecting Blickets: How Young Children Use Information about Novel Causal Powers in Categorization and Induction

Alison Gopnik and David Sobel
Conceptual Influences on Category-Based Induction

Susan Gelman and Natalie Davidson
Psychological Essentialism in Children

Susan Gelman
Thinking in Categories Or Along a Continuum: Consequences for Children’s Social Judgments

Allison Master, Ellen Markman and Carol Dweck
Cultural Transmission of Social Essentialism

Marjorie Rhodes, Sarah-Jane Leslie and Christina Tworek
First Principles Organize Attention To and Learning about Relevant Data: Number and the Animate-Inanimate Distinction as Examples

Rochel Gelman
Mechanisms of Theory Formation in Young Children

Alison Gopnik and Laura Schulz
Précis of The Origin of Concepts

Susan Carey
The Microgenetic Method: A Direct Means for Studying Cognitive Development

Robert Siegler and Kevin Crowley
Object Permanence in 3½- and 4½-Month-Old Infants

Renée Baillargeon
Rapid Change in the Symbolic Functioning of Very Young Children

Judy DeLoache
Arrows of Time in Early Childhood

William Friedman
Young Children's Conception of the Biological World

Kayoko Inagaki and Giyoo Hatano
Folkbiology Meets Microbiology: A Study of Conceptual and Behavioral Change

Terry Kit-fong Au et al.
Are Children 'Intuitive Theists'? Reasoning about Purpose and Design in Nature

Deborah Kelemen
Developing a Theory of Mind

Henry Wellman
Baillargeon Do 15-Month-Old Infants Understand False Beliefs?

Kristine Onishi et al.
You Can't Always Get What You Want: Infants Understand Failed Goal-Directed Actions

Amanda Brandone and Henry Wellman
Spontaneous Theory of Mind and its Absence in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Atsushi Senju
Social Evaluation in Preverbal Infants

J.Kiley Hamlin, Karen Wynn and Paul Bloom
Accent Trumps Race in Guiding Children's Social Preferences

Katherine Kinzler, Kristin Shutts, Jasmine Dejesus and Elizabeth Spelke
Development and Learning

Jean Piaget
Problem Solving in Infancy: The Emergence of an Action Plan

Michael McCarty, Rachel Clifton and Roberta Collard
Bootstrapping the Mind: Analogical Processes and Symbol Systems

Dedre Gentner
Core Systems of Number

Lisa Feigenson, Stanislas Dehaene and Elizabeth Spelke
Individual Differences in Non-Verbal Number Acuity Correlate with Maths Achievement

Justin Halberda, Michèle Mazzocco, Lisa Feigenson
Mathematics Teaching in the United States Today (And Tomorrow): Results from the TIMSS 1999 Video Study

James Hiebert et al.
Indexing Transitional Knowledge

Theresa Graham and Michelle Perry
Literacy Growth in the Academic Year Versus Summer from Preschool Through Second Grade: Differential Effects of Schooling Across Four Skills

Lori Skibbe
Cross-Cultural Similarities in the Predictors of Reading Acquisition

Catherine McBride-Chang, and Robert Kail
The Relation Between Essentialist Beliefs and Evolutionary Reasoning

Andrew Shtulman and Laura Schulz
Stereotype Susceptibility in Children: Effects of Identity Activation on Quantitative Performance

Nalini Ambady et al.
Preschoolers' Responses to Social Comparisons Involving Relative Failure

Marjorie Rhodes and Daniel Brickman
Praise for Intelligence Can Undermine Children's Motivation and Performance

Claudia Mueller and Carol Dweck
Subtle Linguistic Cues Affect Children's Motivation

Andrei Cimpian
Scientific and Pragmatic Challenges for Bridging Education and Neuroscience

Sashank Varma, Bruce McCandliss and Daniel Schwartz
Extracts from The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition.

Michael Tomasello
Does the Chimpanzee Have a Theory of Mind? 30 Years Later

Josep Call and Michael Tomasello
Economic Cognition in Humans and Animals: The Search for Core Mechanisms

Laurie Santos and Kelly Hughes
Cognitive Development in Chimpanzees: A Trade-Off Between Memory and Abstraction?

Tetsuro Matsuzawa
Trust in Testimony: How Children Learn about Science and Religion

Paul Harris and Melissa Koenig
The Hidden Structure of Overimitation

Derek Lyons, Andrew Young and Frank Keil
Natural Pedagogy

Gergely Csibra and Gyorgy Gergely
The Double-Edged Sword of Pedagogy: Instruction Limits Spontaneous Exploration and Discovery

Elizabeth Bonawitz et al.
Weaving Together Culture and Cognition: An Illustration from Madagascar

Rita Astuti
The Coexistence of Natural and Supernatural Explanations Across Cultures and Development

Cristine Legare et al.
Mexican-Heritage Children's Attention and Learning from Interactions Directed To Others

Katie Silva, Maricela Correa-Chávez and Barbara Rogoff
A Developmental Examination of the Conceptual Structure of Animal, Artifact, and Human Social Categories Across Two Cultural Contexts

Marjorie Rhodes and Susan Gelman
Parents Explain More Often to Boys Than to Girls during Shared Scientific Thinking

Kevin Crowley et al.
Relations Between Temperament and Theory of Mind Development in the United States and China: Biological and Behavioral Correlates of Preschoolers' False-Belief Understanding

Jonathan Lane et al.
The Relation Between Individual Differences in Fantasy and Theory of Mind

Marjorie Taylor and Stephanie Carlson
A Visit from the Candy Witch: Children’s Belief in a Novel Fantastical Entity

Jacqueline Woolley et al.

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ISBN: 9781446272459