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Family Health Care

Family Health Care

Edited by:

Other Titles in:
Family Studies (General)

September 1992 | 312 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
More effective prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation will be the outcome of including the family unit in the delivery of primary care, as opposed to primary care aimed solely at individuals. This is the proposal explored by this volume's interdisciplinary contributors, who discuss theory, practice, education and research methodology related to primary care.
Russell J Sawa
Paradigm Shift
Toward a New Vision of Family Medicine

Edward Shorter
Recent Changes in Family Life and New Challenges in Primary Care
Peter Steinglass
Family Systems Theory and Medical Illness
William J Doherty
Linkages Between Family Theories and Primary Health Care
Ian R McWhinney and Joan Patterson
Family Theory in Family Medicine
Maurine H Venters
Research on Family Health Care
A Methodological Overview

Howard F Stein
An Ethnographic Approach to Family Research in Primary Care
Donald C Ransom
New Directions in the Methodology of Family-Oriented Health Care Research
Walter W Rosser
Comments on Methods
The Family in Primary Care

Diana McLain Smith
Different Portraits of Medical Practice
Model Conflict in Training Physicians to `Think Family'

John C Rogers
Exemplars of Family-Oriented Care - How Do We Know What They Do?
Russell J Sawa
Three Ways of Thinking
Macaran A Baird
Family Medicine
A Time for Clarity

Lorne A Becker
Issues in the Adoption of a Family Approach by Practicing Family Physicians
William R McFarlane
A Potential Model for Intervention in Family Practice

Thomas L Campbell
Family Interventions in Physical Health
Reg L Perkin
The Family in Family Practice
Russell J Sawa
Expanding our Horizons
Visions of the Future


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ISBN: 9780803947498
ISBN: 9780803947481