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Journal of Planning Education and Research

Journal of Planning Education and Research

Published in Association with the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning

eISSN: 15526577 | ISSN: 0739456X | Current volume: 44 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: Quarterly


The Highest Percentage Increase in Total Citations in the Field of Social Sciences!
(source: ISI Essential Science Indicators)

SAGE is proud to publish the Journal of Planning Education and Research (JPER) on behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. JPER, a double blind peer-reviewed journal, is a forum for planning educators and scholars (from both academia and practice) to present results from teaching and research that advance the profession and improve planning practice. The journal covers planning theory, planning practice, and planning pedagogy. It also encompasses disciplines drawn upon by planners such as urban geography, welfare economics, interest-group politics, policy analysis, as well as other subjects used in the planning classroom.

Some of the key topics seen in recent articles include:

  • Citizen Participation/Dispute Resolution
  • Methods, Information Systems, Mapping
  • Demographic and Spatial Analysis, Applied GIS
  • Land Use, Zoning, Growth Management, Planning Law
  • Housing and Real Estate
  • Community Development, Neighborhood Planning
  • Transportation, Infrastructure and Capital Facilities
  • Environment, Energy and Natural Resources
  • Health, Education and Social Services
  • Economic Development
  • Design, Historic Preservation, Urban Form
  • Public Administration, Finance, Budgeting
  • Politics and Society
  • Global Context of Urban and Regional Planning
  • International Planning & Development
  • Planning and Urban History
  • Ethics and Professional Concerns

The journal features articles reporting original and current research, new developments in planning pedagogy and instruction, commentary, book reviews, and news and reports from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.

Available: "Manuscript Tips" from a former Editor!

The Journal of Planning Education and Research (JPER) is a forum for planning educators and scholars (from both academia and practice) to present results from teaching and research that advance the profession and improve planning practice. JPER is the official journal of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) and the journal of record for North American planning scholarship. Aimed at scholars and educators in urban and regional planning, political science, policy analysis, urban geography, economics, and sociology, JPER presents the most vital contemporary trends and issues in planning theory, practice, and pedagogy.

Justin B. Hollander Tufts University, USA
Lingqian Hu University of Florida, USA
Managing Editor
Karen Lowrie Rutgers University, USA
Book Review Editor
Nina David Texas A&M University, USA
Associate Editors
Jason Cao University of Minnesota, USA
Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA
Maxwell Hartt Queen's University, Canada
Michael Johnson University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Lucie Laurian University at Buffalo, USA
Bumsoo Lee University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Diana Mitsova Florida Atlantic University, USA
Zhong-Ren Peng University of Florida, USA
Antonio Raciti University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Jesse Saginor University of Maryland, USA
Elizabeth L. Sweet University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Thomas Vicino Northeastern University, USA
Xinyue Ye Texas A&M University, USA
Zhixi Cecilia Zhuang Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Editorial Board
Rachelle Alterman Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
Yasminah Beebeejaun University College London, UK
Evelyn Blumenberg UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, USA
Nisha Botchwey University of Minnesota, USA
Timothy Chapin Florida State University, USA
Karen Chapple University of Toronto, Canada
Teresa Cordova Great Cities Institue - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Raphaël Fischler McGill University, Canada
Kathryn Frank University of Florida, USA
Susan Handy University of California at Davis, USA
Tisha Holmes Florida State University, USA
John Landis University of Pennsylvania, USA
Lucie Laurian The University of Iowa, USA
Sugie Lee Hanyang University, South Korea
T. William Lester San Jose State University, USA
Jeffrey Lowe Texas Southern University, USA
Michael Manville UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, USA
Vinit Mukhija UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, USA
Marla Nelson University of New Orleans, USA
Richard Norton University of Michigan, USA
Francis Owusu Iowa State University, USA
Dorina Pojani University of Queensland , Australia
Steven Quan Seoul National University
Rebecca Retzlaff Auburn University, USA
Gerardo Sandoval University of Oregon, USA
Bishwapriya Sanyal Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Qing Shen University of Washington, USA
Noam Shoval Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Dominic Stead Aalto University
Frederick Steiner University of Pennsylvania, USA
Ruth L. Steiner University of Florida, USA
Brian Stone Georgia Tech, USA
Lois M. Takahashi USC Price School, USA
Fulong Wu University College London, UK
Jiangping Zhou Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
  • Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
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  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • ERIC Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online (T&F)
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  • Environmental Policy Index
  • Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography
  • PAIS International
  • Pollution Abstracts
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • ProQuest: Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Social Services Abstracts
  • Urban Studies Abstracts

    Manuscript Submission Guidelines


    The Journal of Planning Education and Research (JPER) is the official journal of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) and consistently ranks among leading peer-reviewed planning journals. Aimed at scholars and educators in urban and regional planning, political science, policy analysis, urban geography, economics, sociology and computational applications, JPER presents the most vital contemporary trends and issues in planning theory, practice, and pedagogy. JPER is published quarterly by Sage Publications on behalf of ACSP.

    Manuscripts should clearly demonstrate their relevance to planning. JPER addresses planning practice and education at all levels of government, by nongovernmental organizations, and in all substantive areas.

    Electronic Submission: To submit an article, please visit our online submission and review system at Prepare your manuscript in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, in 12-point font. In the manuscript, redact all self citations and omit all other identifying information, such as author name, affiliation, biography, contact information, acknowledgments, forthcoming articles, and works in progress. Authors should use active voice in their writing and carefully copyedit manuscripts before submitting.

    Manuscripts should not exceed 8,000 words, including figures, tables, and references. Smaller tables and figures equate to 250 words, if they can be published one half page or less; larger tables and figures count for 500 words. Submissions exceeding 8,000 words are strongly discouraged and will not go to peer review without special approval from the editors. Notes, additional figures, supplementary materials, and detailed methodological explanations may be included in separate supplementary files. The abstract should be 100 words or less and summarize the purpose, methods, and findings of your paper.

    Submission of a manuscript implies the author's commitment to publish in this journal. An author submitting a manuscript to JPER should not submit it to another journal nor should the manuscript repeat information published elsewhere with substantially similar form or content. The editors will run manuscripts through a plagiarism check. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editors.

    Review Process: After an initial evaluation, editors send manuscripts deemed appropriate for the journal to reviewers in a double-anonymize review process. Decisions generally occur within four months of submission. Authors can see the status of their submissions through the online submission system and should feel free to contact the editors with any concerns.

    Research Articles: Research articles should make clear the research question, its importance and pertinence to planning, how the methods address the question, what the results found, and their interpretation. The editors welcome a diverse mix of submissions representing the range of the planning profession. Quantitative, qualitative and theory researchers should feel free to submit their work. In addition, scholars should help advance analytical comparative and global-scale methods. Contributions to and applications of other literatures relevant to planners such as urban geography, welfare economics, interest-group politics and policy analysis, are also welcome.

    Instruction Articles: Manuscripts on pedagogical topics include descriptive accounts of innovative approaches to teaching; local analyses of student recruitment, advising, or alumni career successes; or demonstrations of classroom exercises and techniques. Narratives of a specific course or teaching innovation should have a base in pedagogical theories and offer strong evidence of learning outcomes. Instructional articles should include sufficient evidentiary base to support the validity of their conclusions. Typically, more than one instance of curriculum delivery should evaluate the evidentiary base. Articles should not identify individuals. For detailed guidelines on instruction articles, see our Guidelines for Pedagogy Papers at our electronic submission site (

    Reports: As a publication of ACSP, reports of general importance to ACSP and its membership are welcome and serve as a record of the organizations’ actions and ideas. Eligible materials might be reports of ACSP study commissions and general addresses given at ACSP conferences. The JPER editors will ordinarily invite entries in the Reports section and subject them to a limited review process.

    Commentary: Essays addressing current issues and developments in planning education or scholarship fit the Commentary section. Speculative arguments may be acceptable if the editors consider them convincing, important, or provocative. Commentary manuscripts should not exceed 4000 words.

    Letters: Letters responding to articles, commentary, reviews, or editorials are welcome. Authors will have the opportunity to reply. Contributors should address the substance of issues and not attack individuals.

    Book Reviews: Those interested in reviewing books or in suggesting a book for review, please send by e-mail a brief proposal to Nina David, Book Review Editor ( Detailed guidelines for writing book reviews are posted at our electronic submission site (

    Style, Spelling, and USage: Manuscripts should conform to requirements set forth in the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th and 16th editions (University of Chicago Press 2003 and 2010, JPER's spelling authority is Webster's Third New International Dictionary (Merriam-Webster Co. 2002) and its later editions.

    Tables and Figures: During the review stage, all tables and figures should appear in the manuscript, either within the manuscript or at the end, with captions and sequential numbers.

    References: Citations should appear parenthetically with the author's last name, year of publication, and page numbers where appropriate. For example: (Turner and Murray 2001), (Wheeler 2000, 130), (Florida Department of Environmental Regulation 1987, 129-43). Page numbers are needed for specific arguments or findings. For details, see the Chicago Manual. Citations of statutes, government regulations, and court decisions should appear in the text without a corresponding reference list entry, using the style presented in The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, nineteenth edition (Harvard Law Review Association 2010). References appear in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript.

    Authors should follow these guidelines for preparation of accepted papers.

    Inquiries should go to JPER Managing Editor Karen Lowrie (

    At Sage, we are committed to facilitating openness, transparency and reproducibility of research. Where relevant, JPER encourages authors to share their research data in a suitable public repository subject to ethical considerations and where data is included, to add a data accessibility statement in their manuscript file. Authors should also follow data citation principles. For more information please visit the Sage Author Gateway, which includes information about Sage’s partnership with the data repository Figshare.

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