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Markets, Hierarchies and Networks

Markets, Hierarchies and Networks
The Coordination of Social Life

November 1991 | 312 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This interdisciplinary reader provides a distinctive introduction to the way social, political and economic life is coordinated. It brings together three quite different models of coordination - markets, hierarchies and networks - and places them into a comparative framework, presenting a comprehensive and insightful overview of social coordination. The articles dealing with each model explore the characteristics of that coordinating mechanism, outlining key theoretical issues and drawing on various empirical examples. The final section shows how these models can be compared and contrasted. It also assesses the respective strengths, weaknesses and limitations of each model.

Markets, Hierarchies and Networks is a set book on The Open University course D212 Running the Country.

Jennifer Frances et al
Rosalind Levaci[ac]c
Alfred Marshall
On Markets
Rosalind Levaci[ac]c
Markets and Government
An Overview

Hans Breitenbach, Tom Burden and David Coates
Socialism, Planning, and the Market
Israel M Krizner
Market Process versus Market Equilibrium
Tony McGuinness
Markets and Managerial Hierarchies
Dennis Swann
Creating the Single European Market
Penelope M Mullen
Which Internal Market? The NHS White Paper and Internal Markets
Jeremy Mitchell
Elliott Jaques
In Praise of Hierarchy
Max Weber
Legal Authority in a Bureaucracy
David Beetham
Models of Bureaucracy
Guy Benveniste
Survival Inside Bureaucracy
Giovanni Sartori
Market, Capitalism, Planning and Technocracy
John Vickers
New Directions for Industrial Policy in the Area of Regulatory Reform
Grahame Thompson
David Knoke and James H Kuklinkski
Network Analysis
Basic Concepts

Edward H Lorenz
Neither Friends nor Strangers
Informal Networks of Subcontracting in French Industry

Russell Johnston and Paul R Lawrence
Beyond Vertical Integration - The Rise of the Value-Adding Partnership
R A W Rhodes
Policy Networks and Sub-Central Government
Pnina Werbner
Taking and Giving
Working Women and Female Bonds in a Pakistani Immigrant Neighbourhood

Wolfgang Streeck and Philippe C Schmitter
Community, Market, State - and Associations? The Prospective Contribution of Interest Governance to Social Order
Grahame Thompson
William G Ouchi
Markets, Bureaucracies and Clans
Jan Johanson and Lars-Gunnar Mattsson
Interorganizational Relations in Industrial Systems
A Network Approach Compared with the Transactions-Cost Approach

Walter W Powell
Neither Market nor Hierarchy
Network Forms of Organization

Jeffrey L Bradach and Robert G Eccles
Price, Authority and Trust
From Ideal Types to Plural Forms

Frederick von Hayek
Spontaneous ('Grown') Order and Organized ('Made') Order

`In summary, it can be recorded that this is a substantial book: substantial in a number of respects. First it has much of substance to it - it covers a lot of ground. Second, as most papers in the book are closely argued, it covers that ground in some depth - there are few opportunities for the reader to coast here! It is also substantial in that, whether because of the inherent nature of the subject matter or the way it is exposed, its sparks ideas along the way and raises many more questions than it answers. Finally, it is substantial in the way the editors touch upon issues which are central to epistemology, the sociology of knowledge, and the philosophy of science.' - Systems Practice

Markets, hierarchies and networks as very different models of social coordination and construction are compared in this book in a fantastic comprehensive way.

Mrs Susanne Hilland
Wirtschaft 2, Heilbronn University
August 25, 2010

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ISBN: 9780803985902