New Directions in Consumer Research
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Paul Hewer - University of Strathclyde, UK
- Kathy Hamilton - University of Strathclyde, UK
- Aliakbar Jafari - University of Strathclyde, UK
SAGE Library in Marketing
SAGE Library in Marketing
September 2015 | 1 408 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This four-volume collection focuses on emerging and cutting-edge work which is shaping the contemporary landscape of consumer research. The volumes bring together key conceptual and research papers related to practices, sharing, politics and spaces. The editors provide a set of comprehensive introductions that scopes out current understanding in the field, and identifies directions for future research in relation to the key themes. This Major Work will be of interest to scholars in a broad range of disciplines, including Marketing and Consumer Research, Cultural Studies, Media Studies, Human Geography and Sociology.
Volume One: Practices
Volume Two: Sharing
Volume Three: Politics
Volume Four: Space
Alan Warde
Andreas Reckwitz
Theodore Schatzki
Barry Barnes
Elizabeth Shove and Mika Pantzar
Allison Hui
Niklas Woermann
Hope Schau, Albert Muñiz, Jr and Eric Arnould
Zeynep Arsel and Jonathan Bean
Douglas Brownlie and Paul Hewer
Özlem Sandikci and Güliz Ger
Heli Holttinen
Benedetta Cappellini and Elizabeth Parsons
Alan Warde
Elizabeth Shove, Mika Pantzar and Matt Watson
Russell Belk
Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers
Robert Cluley
Bernard Cova
Bernard Cova and Daniele Dalli
Rana Sobh, Russell Belk and Jonathan Wilson
Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Victor Henning and Henrik Sattler
Robert Kozinets, Andrea Hemetsberger and Hope Schau
Nicholas John
Fleura Bardhi and Giana Eckhardt
Lucie Ozanne and Julie Ozanne
Thomas Widlok
Thierry Kochuyt
Hélène Cherrier and Lauren Gurrieri
Roberta Sassatelli
Juliet Schor
David Luban
Adam Arvidsson
Giana Eckhardt and Humaira Mahi
James Carrier
Eric Helleiner
Daniel Miller
Michael Schudson
Josée Johnston
Elaine Hartwick
Michelle Nelson, Mark Rademacher and Hye-Jin Paek
Kate Soper
Matthias Varul
Aliakbar Jafari and Christina Goulding
Peter Jackson and Nigel Thrift
Lisa Penaloza
Robert Kozinets, John Sherry, Benet DeBerry-Spence, Adam Duhachek, Krittinee Nuttavuthisit and Diana Storm
Stefania Borghini, Nina Diamond, Robert Kozinets, Mary McGrath, Albert Muñiz, Jr and John Sherry, Jr
Elizabeth Moor
Nicky Gregson and Gillian Rose
Aliakbar Jafari, Babak Taheri and Dirk vom Lehn
Paul Hewer and Kathy Hamilton
Regina Root
Luca Visconti, John Sherry, Jr, Stefania Borghini and Laurel Anderson
Bige Saatcioglu and Julie Ozanne
Andreas Chatzidakis, Pauline Maclaran and Alan Bradshaw
Kathy Hamilton and Matthew Alexander
Steven Miles
Kathy Hamilton and Paul Hewer
Paul Hewer and Douglas Brownlie