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Many journals in the Sage portfolio use Sage Track, an online submission and peer review system. The system allows all peer review related items in a journal to be housed in one space for editors, reviewers, and authors. Once registered on the journal’s Sage Track website, you will be able to access all invitations and previously reviewed manuscripts.
For instructions on how to create a new account for a journal’s Sage Track site, please see pages 1-5 of this guide. If you have already been invited to review a submission, an account will have already been created for you and you should follow the link in the email you received upon accepting the invitation to access your account. Please note every Sage Track site requires an account and login; meaning your account will not transfer to another site. We recommend utilizing the Login with ORCID to streamline this process. You will need to Login with ORCID for each journal site.
You will receive an invitation from the journal via email. The invitation will contain the title and abstract of the paper, and options to accept or decline the review. Please note, on average, journals ask reviewers to return their comments in two to three weeks.
The easiest way to respond is by selecting the appropriate link found within the invitation email. You can also log into your Sage Track account, locate your open invitations, and select your response under the Action dropdown list. If you are unable to review the manuscript, we would greatly appreciate any reviewer suggestions for alternate reviewers.
If you agree, you will receive an email with details about how to access Sage Track and a link to the manuscript. Within the peer review system, you will have the opportunity to provide comments and recommend a decision to the editor. In many journals, you will be allowed to write confidential comments to the editor and comments to the author.
Before submitting your review, ensure the following:
Please visit ScholarOne’s Reviewer Help page. This website includes video tutorials and frequently asked questions. If you have any questions about the journal or reviewer expectations, please reach out to the editor or admin of the journal.
First, carefully review all instructions found in the email to ensure you have completed the review correctly. Afterwards, email your comments directly to the editor. Reach out to them if you have any questions.
The screenshot below shows how to navigate the Reviewer Center.
1. Reviewer Center
2. Reviews you are currently working on
3. Reviews you have submitted
4. Your open invitations
5. View the abstract, contact the journal, and respond to your invitation
The screenshot below shows the information available on the Review page, which is where you can write and submit your review.
1. View the PDF or HTML of manuscript
2. Your due date
3. Contact the journal
4. View the manuscript’s abstract
5. If reviewing a revision, view the author’s response (if available)
Reviewers should update their availability regularly in Sage Track to avoid being invited to review manuscripts when they are unavailable.
To update your availability, log into the journal’s Sage Track site and click on your name located in the blue banner at the top of the page. Then select the ‘User ID & Password’ tab from the drop-down menu.
This will direct you to a new page where you will need to scroll down to the ‘Unavailable Dates’ section.
To update your unavailability for a period of time, click on the calendar buttons next to the ‘From’ and ‘To’ dates and select the dates for which you will not be available to review. Please also include your reason for unavailability in the field below.
Once done, scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Finish’ to update your availability.
This will help the journal’s Editorial Office when selecting you for reviews.