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Are you looking for the latest textbooks or teaching resources to engage students? Are you in search of recommended pre-course reading material or additional support for your education or teacher training course? This Hub is packed with free book chapters, special features and guides for students on all education courses covering teacher training, Education Studies to Early Years, Education Research Methods and Special Needs. We hope they are useful starting points or provide you that additional support to go further!
Working on your Education research project but don’t know where to start? Don't panic! We've put together this page, full of top tips and advice from some of our educational research methods books to help you complete a successful research project from the comfort of your home.
London - SAGE and The British Educational Research Association (BERA), one of the UK’s leading charities to encourage education research, today announced the launch of the Handbook of Educational Research at the 2014 annual BERA Conference.
London, UK. Providing a comprehensive account of education research today, SAGE Publishing launches The BERA/SAGE Handbook of Educational Research.