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Los Angeles, CA - A new article reports that despite a clear lack of research on male survivors of Ebola, the current recommended practice of waiting at least three months after recovery to have unprotected sex should be upheld. This study was published today in Reproductive Sciences, a SAGE journal.
London, UK- Leading academic publisher SAGE today announces that it is to begin publishing Journal of Reproductive Biotechnology and Fertility as of October 2015. An open access (OA), peer-reviewed, online only publication, the journal is to publish articles on in vitro fertilization (IVF), assisted reproductive technology, reproductive biology, gamete biology, stem cell technology, and areas of reproductive medicine relevant to IVF.
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Los Angeles, CA. The promising field of stem cell research is full of new procedures and exciting medical breakthroughs even with all its political and religious obstacles. In the seven years since the first edition of the SAGE Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research was published, executive orders from the Obama administration reversed previous barriers to research, and, as a result, stem cell biology has experienced wide-ranging progress.
Significant public understanding exists with regard to DNA and it is no longer regarded as ‘belonging’ to upper secondary school and university learning. It is commonly referenced material in the media and therefore public awareness is high. Promoting public understanding and contributing to citizenship are important priorities in school science education.
From cognitive neuropsychology and research methods to study skills and student wellbeing, our free Psychology webinars help you refresh your knowledge, build new skills and better support your students.
Los Angeles, CA- SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce that it has partnered with ABSA International to publish Applied Biosafety: Journal of ABSA International. ABSA International is committed to promoting global biosafety awareness, preventing exposures of biohazards in the laboratory and releases to the environment, and developing and sharing best safety practices among biosafety professionals, architects, engineers, and researchers that handle these substances through the publication of Applied Biosafety.
Many women are turning to egg freezing to promote fertility, but what happens when it isn’t an option because of special medical or other conditions? And, what option is there for women who want to preserve hormonal function, not just fertility? Ovarian tissue freezing, an outpatient procedure which removes and freezes ovarian tissue for later use, can deliver these outcomes but has been considered experimental until now. According to a new study, nearly four out of 10 (37.7%) women who undergo the procedure are able to have children later in life as a result.